High Profile Class Action Claim Processing

247Digitize recently supported one of the largest class action claims cases in recent memory, providing expert data entry services. The case made both national and international headlines due to the sensitive subject matter, the period of time covered, and the astounding number of claimants to come forward. 247Digitize was there every step of the way to ensure the claim forms were handled efficiently, accurately and within the claim filing deadline.
About our Client: Headquartered in Los Angeles, our client is a boutique provider of paper and eDiscovery solutions to the legal and business community. From Discovery through Production and Trial Support, they offer comprehensive and holistic solutions with a personal touch.
By the Numbers
- 38,316 claims forms fully processed over a 6 week period
- 173 unique fields indexed for each claim form at >99% accuracy
- 6.5 million data points captured
Challenge: Our client had originally planned to handle the entire claims processing cycle internally but was quickly overwhelmed by the volume and complexity of the task as the class expanded.
- What had been a manageable trickle of incoming claims morphed into a torrent that was raging out of control as the claims increased and the filing deadline neared.
- The final class had to be defined within just a few days of the filing deadline.
- Claims were highly variable in length and mostly handwritten, including personal and pertinent testimony requiring thorough and precise transcription to the claims database.
- Technology assisted data capture solutions had been tried but were unsuccessful in producing the quality results that can only be achieved through a thorough review and manual data entry.
Solution: 247Digitize is uniquely positioned to handle sensitive personal data having attained ISO 27001 certification.
- A dedicated team of senior resources was assembled to work on this particular case starting with execution of non-disclosure agreements for an extra layer of security.
- Turnaround requirements were initially modest with 100 claims processed per day, but as the claims continued to flood in and the deadline closed, daily throughput was increased to 1,500 claims per day. This necessitated a commensurate increase in the number of resources which was easily facilitated along with a 7-day delivery schedule through the peak activity period.
- Within a 3-week span, incremental increases in staffing including intensive training and reallocation of senior staff allowed for a progression to maximum capacity and data entry throughput.
Results: All of these efforts paid off with the entire claim population processed within the filing deadline. Flexibility and scalability are hallmarks of the 247Digitize approach and both were on full display here. As our client’s turnaround requirements increased exponentially, so too did our agile response to rise to the challenge. No corners were cut in terms of quality of the data entry with measured accuracy rates of over 99% demonstrated throughout. The high accuracy levels achieved through our multi-tiered quality control protocol which is followed for all data entry projects, allowed the client to outsource more of the claims data entry as well as concentrate on high level task associated with final submission to the claims administrator.
Learn more about how 247Digitize can help optimize and expedite your claims filing process, contact us today at +1-888-524-7348 or email info@247digitize.com.