Real Estate Solutions
From mortgage documents to buyer and seller information, we help real estate professionals manage vast amounts of data so they can focus on closing deals and keeping their clients satisfied.
Real Estate Database Creation
From buyer and seller information to property listings and leases, you need to easily store, access, and retrieve your real estate data at any time. The solution is a comprehensive database which we can built to serve your needs.

Data Capture & Entry
We can manage all types of data relevant to your real estate business, making sure it’s accurately documented and processed to help you make informed business decisions.
Key Real Estate Data
- Property listings
- Buyer and seller information
- Real estate legal documentation
- Commercial valuation details
- Property documentation
- Property online/offline data entry

Why Choose Our Real Estate Solutions?
Competitive Rates
affordable, and we offer discounts
on bulk orders.
the expertise to provide accurate
results that optimize real estate
at various delivery centers spread
across the globe to provide services
within a quick turnaround time.
apparatus is ISO 27001 certified.
tools and technologies for optimal
results in combination with human
Streamlined Processes
processes for real estate to ensure
that accurate results are delivered well
within the estimated time.
Success Stories
Loan File Organization & Data Capture
The client provided 4,485 loan claim files along with an index sheet and we were tasked with arranging the claim files per the court guidelines. The Mortgage team was also required to review the documentation and capture 77 distinct data points for each file based on their type.
- 345,000 data points harvested from 900,000 pages of loan files.
- 4,485 individual mortgage files reviewed, stacked and indexed.
- 11,000 man hours dedicated over a 4.5 week period.
- Estimated $237,000 savings when considering domestic loan processors.
Commercial Real Estate Property Listing Management
Quickly built a team capable that started processing 300 listings a day on an expedited basis and scaled up to 1,000 listings a day within weeks. The activation of the listings is governed by our client’s strict corporate-wide compliance guarantee of as short as 24 hours to their premium customers.
- Processing over 90,000 property listings per month.
- 180+ full-time case agents trained and deployed over a phased implementation within a year of engagement
- Demonstrated >99% accuracy of 50-60 data fields entered or verified for each and every property listing
- True 24/7 on all days of the week coverage is provided to maintain shorter SLA compliance per the Service Level Agreement.
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